that day ,
i felt something ..
something that dint just pass on , something that dint feel like it was a fleeting glimpse , a glance , a passing thought
it felt nice
it felt comforting ..
so i felt and kept on enjoying what i felt
and i'm still feeling it today
i felt warm and cosy and calm ..
i was not harrowed or exasperated or making excuses to myself or for anything else
i wasnt feeling any inclination to preoccupy myself with worries and the need to be ready for anything
i just couldnt stop thinking about the warmth
this strange warmth , i suppose the sort of a warmth that madmen rave about
warmth which i had almost forgotten existed , as if that was even possible
warmth that felt healing and comforting
not the heat that burnt , that angered , that hurt
everything seems to be enveloped by this new idea , this new meaning , this new perspective
this newness
it is negating the negativity by nonsensical proportions .. those that seemed to exist wat seems like a decade ago and felt like would stay forever ..
those seem so menial and ridiculous now ..
just like that .. just like that , when i was not trying to find
no - i have not found God
no - i have not encountered a greater ambition all of a sudden
it has nothing to do with the mangoes
what this is doing is that its leading me to new beliefs
believe that although life is stranger than fiction , fiction is a stranger to life ..
thinking it could be otherwise seems ridiculous
there is a method to the madness , there has to be a cosmic clockwork that is binding it all in harmony
and i'm feeling ecstatic about this
this , which is stranger than fiction